Happy Holidays! 8 Career Tips from Great in 8 Coaching
1. Breathe life into your interview answers: Strategically delve into your past successes and develop stories and interesting anecdotes, with details, to make your capabilities come alive and become memorable. 2. Use props! Bring something real to interviews to get people to remember you. Make it something relevant and appropriate, of course. Examples include: the actual flyer from a conference […]
What’s on the Minds of Recent Grads?
Results from a recent survey done by Great in 8 Coaching to query recent college grads about their thoughts on their upcoming employment prospects and career development needs revealed both disturbing and instructive findings. Disturbing because the #1 thing of each young person’s mind was a big four letter word starting with an F. That word is FEAR. […]
Can You Learn to be Happy?
(Note: Typically I write my own blog articles but I just had to share this article, written by someone whom I respect and learn from, Tal Ben-Sahar, PhD—enjoy his article! I base much of my coaching approach on his work, and Dr. Seligman’s work, in positive psychology. Joan Tabb, M.A.) Recent scientific studies and scholarly […]
Is It Really About Me?
How often have you left an interview and tried to interpret your interiewer’s reaction to you? ALWAYS!!! Of course. In life, we’re often told not to take it personally. And often that makes sense. But in the context of a job interview, it’s a bit different, isn’t it?
There are Ways and There are Ways…Professional Associations
I love talking to my clients about how to work with professional associations. I love how their eyes start to widen and as they absorb the logic behind what I am suggesting, yet the surprise that they hadn’t naturally thought to do this. Well, as the title says, there are ways and there are ways… […]
What Positive Psychologists Won’t Tell You Re:Emotions
(I wanted to share a fascinating new article by an eminent positive psychologist whose work I follow. I incorporate many of the applied research findings in positive psychology to my Great in 8 Coaching Practice. —Joan) by Dr. Biswas-Diener Happiness is an easy sell to most people, and within positive psychology circles it trumps […]
Cheers to a New Year and Another Chance to Get it Right!
That sentiment, though shared by me, was written by quite a successful woman who all of you (unless you’ve been living under a rock) will recognize—Oprah Winfrey. And you know, if you listen to Oprah’s stories, she didn’t always get it right, and she certainly had many obstacles and difficulties in her path, as most […]
Be Seen. Be Heard.
During my years as a career coach, when clients come to me discontented with their current position, a complaint that is surprisingly more frequent than being overworked and underpaid is that of being unseen and unheard. Recently, a woman who works in a financial institution told me that she does not have business cards. Her manager said she doesn’t […]
8 Ways to Be a Better Networker
Next to public speaking, the thing people fear most is NETWORKING and approaching new people at professional events. And often, even when people make themselves go to these events, they do everything they can to actually avoid making significant professional contacts! Sounds counter-intuitive, but here’s what I’ve found by talking to many, many networking-adverse professionals… Meeting strangers and starting […]
Malignant Manager?
Time and again I have clients come to see me in a bad spot. They have major problems with their manager. And when did it start? Typically it started soon after the reporting relationship began. Sometimes it was a ‘bait and switch’ where they were hired by one person and moved to work with another. Sometimes […]