Yes, Joan, you’re not in Silicon Valley anymore.
What if I showed you Sonoma County through Silicon Valley eyes?
I realize in starting this third year as a Santa Rosan that I’m choosing to stay close to home to enjoy my “Sonoma County lifestyle.” I am crazy about the beauty — the hiking trails and woods, the beaches, and the bounty of wonderful food and wine.
I still enjoy forays into the city and back down to the Peninsula for clients, friends and family, but more and more my life is here, and especially in the career arena, it is a different experience.
People are drawn to Sonoma County, but it isn’t necessarily career that brings them to this destination. They intentionally come to live here because of the emphasis on LIFESTYLE. Even when locals move away for college, they often feel a pull HOME to Sonoma County, especially when they are ready to build roots, create family.
In contrast, in Silicon Valley most people come for career opportunity first and foremost. The fact that it is in northern California is secondary to the career and financial opportunities it offers, and of course, the hotbed of technology leadership it represents.
Because of the cultural difference between the two regions, I had an epiphany.
What if I showed you Sonoma County through Silicon Valley eyes?
I will be doing up-close stories of local people in their career lives.
If people are moving here for a sense of place, then how do they make their living?
I’ve met a number of interesting local professional people through my career coaching clients, two book clubs, creative people in my screenwriting group, board membership of the Volunteer Center of Sonoma County, literacy and art volunteer work at Santa Rosa schools and of course, neighbors and friends I meet in daily life.
I am also looking for recommendations from you. If you know of locals who have an inspiring career story and one that that shows strategies that others can benefit from, kindly send them to me at [email protected] or write them in the Comment section of this blog. Thank you.
I have chosen Will Bucquoy, photographer, as my first local career candidate because of the inspiring story he shared with me. He had only recently become a professional photographer though it had been a lifelong passion. He had been in a completely different field for almost three decades, a career that allowed him to provide income and security to raise a family. But when that stage of life was over, he took the plunge. And I think you’ll find his story really inspiring, with some key career building takeaways.
Stay tuned, and please let me know if you have suggestions for Let’s Go Local Career Stories for 2017.
I’ve enjoyed the questions and comments you’ve shared with me in 2016. Thank you. And please keep the dialogue going.
Onward to your career success in 2017,
Coach Joan