4 easy ways to make a job promotion a reality
Many people seem to feel frustrated that their work is not appreciated enough, and they see others getting promotions before them.
We Make Mistakes at Work. Then What?
Dear Readers, This is a sticky topic and one that most people prefer to stay away from: Errors at Work. We all make errors; they are part of normal human functioning. We are not error-free beings. But the magnitude of the mistake and how it is perceived and responded to by our bosses, managers or supervisors, […]
3 Do’s and Don’ts for Work Emails
Dear Readers, Like you, I probably get over 50 emails a day. And after years and year of receiving and writing emails and hearing feedback from clients, I see a pattern of what works and what doesn’t work with emails. Here goes: Make it Short – If it is a long, complicated message, consider a […]
Career coach as fortune teller?
Dear Readers, today I got a call from a reader asking if I could help her figure out her next career step. She is 55, facing job loss, and after decades in the financial sector, would like to start in a whole new kind of work. The funny part was when she asked if I […]